Thursday 30 March 2017

"My devil had been long caged; he came out roaring." Everything Jekyll and Hyde!

Back by popular demand - Jekyll and Hyde!

I have made up another unique Miss Fowler special poem to help you to revise this text and here it is:
(Why not have a go at making up an even better one yourself with the quotes thrown in???)

You already have your revision guides which have everything you could possible want and desire - plot summaries, character summaries, key quotes and practice questions.

Here are some more links in case you missed anything in class:

  • Exam Help

Tips for tackling the essay in exam

  • Exam prep - practice papers (extracts + whole novel questions)

Duality again

  • Revision Booklet - everything from key quotes to plot to characters. REVISION BOOKLET

Here are some notes on CONTEXT that will be useful:

Victorian Times – Context Page
  • ·         Class division was prominent and the status quo was maintained by keeping the wealthy rich and the poor in a state of deprivation. Very wealthy upper classes with privilege and a huge gap between them and the poorest who were living in extreme poverty. Unequal wealth distribution.
  • ·         Industrial revolution – changing times. More people moving from rural farm land into the cities where jobs and industry were growing. Rise in population and rise in child labour and unfair working conditions. No benefit system = very little help for poor, ill and old. No rights.
  • ·         Higher crime rate as cities became overpopulated. Also disease and dirt spread.
  • ·         Tension between religion and science 
  • ·         Drugs and prostitution rife amongst the poor AND rich, although the wealthy had to try and hide their immorality by maintaining a public façade of morality and reputation.
  • ·         Repression of numerous immoral desires eg homosexuality, extra-marital affairs, drug addiction.
  • ·         Importance of reputation and status was paramount in society and dictated the way other people thought of you.
  • ·         Fear of encountering the outside world especially from the rich who saw the outside world as diseased and dangerous. They were scared of anyone who was not like them; fear of the ‘other’ and of the unknown.
  • ·         During Victoria’s reign there was huge expansion in the Empire. This led to England becoming globally powerful and the rise of Capitalism (desire for personal wealth and ambition to do well in business and make a profit through industry)

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