Monday 20 March 2017

Language Paper 1 and Paper 2 helpful stuff

Thought Spider was a Spider and not a dog?

Can't tell your 'ofs' from your 'offs' or your 'theirs' from your 'theres' Or your verbs from your pronouns????
Well, you need to smarten up your vocab and your cultural capital quick smart because you are running out of time.

However, I am here to help so have a look and let me know if there is anything else I can add...

PAT DA FAT HORSIE - the original and best
Do these as a check list and you will ace question 5 on Paper 2!

Adverbs work - get your sentence starters away from 'I' and 'The' and 'Then'

Discourse Markers for Paper 2 non fiction

Evaluation phrases for PEMAs!

Hunger Games extract
Use this for tips - how is it written to sound exciting? What techniques has the author used that you could steal for Paper 1 question 5? What language and structural techniques could you pick out if this was your extract for Reading?

Paper 1 Cheat sheet

Persuasive writing - my example
What techniques from PAT DA FAT HORSE have I used? Are they effective? Could you emulate any?

Language devices - important
If you don't know your similes from your metaphors then this is the one for your weekend reading!

Language techniques with Disney examples

SMURF paragraph help for Paper 2 qu 5

Literary terms

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