Sunday 26 February 2017

Welcome Year 10 and 11

Overwhelmed by GCSE? Welcome Year 10 and 11! Help is at hand :)

Do you sometimes feel like the New Spec for English Language and English Literature is piling everything on top of you with no space to breathe???????

Well, this blog is here to help you out! I am going to give you exam tips; go through each paper; attach revision booklets; give you revision ideas and tests; upload good work and not so good work AND give you literature reviews of books and DVDs that can help you to understand English literature and improve your vocabularies. Go on, give it a look! 

Tess says hi. She will pitch in when needed. And anytime I don't get anything uploaded on the blog, it will no doubt be Tess' fault so please remind yourselves of how cute she is so you forgive me! 

Good luck and hope this helps you!

Miss Fowler x

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